Monday, November 22, 2010

Tribute to my Sweetness friend!

I would like to dedicate my post to a dear friend, Misty Thieman. She is spending her time in blogland Encouraging Sweetness. Her posts are the highlight of my days, and every time I see she has a new one on FB, I rush to read it. I would encourage all of my readers to check out her blog, where reading her sweet humor and articulate writing is a big scoop of ice cream on top of an apple pie. Hers is the only blog that I will find a way to link to...even though I am technically challenged.
Normally, my personality is one of kindness and patience...but I have to admit I look like Darth Vader compared to her rose-colored glasses. This is NOT a criticism. It is a delight! Since I know the world at large has a tendency toward cynicism and "me-ism" I find her outlook to be refreshing. Practicing the challenge of finding the good in every day is one that I would love to do daily. Not only for the improvement of my own life, but to pay it forward to others who need it as much as I. Oneladyarts is a venue for me to share a bit of myself with others, but I would say Misty's goal is a bit more far-reaching, and her insight a valuable and profound way to make life happy. God Bless You, Misty! May encouraging sweetness revisit itself on you exponentially.
Much love,

1 comment:

  1. You are way too sweet! I don't even know what to have left me speechless! I am so glad you enjoy reading my blog. Knowing people are reading keeps me motivated to keep writing, and writing is what keeps me motivated to continually search for those sweet moments.

    You are nothing like Darth Vader! You alawys seem to have rose colored glasses on :)
